Access Your Potential with Life Coaching
What is Life Coaching?
Life coaching is a partnership designed to create strategies for your success. First we bring crystal clarity to your personal and/or professional goals. Then we identify resources that will move you toward your desired outcomes and together develop a personalized action plan to get you from where you are now to where you want to be. As the client, you take responsibility for making the changes that improve your life, while the coaching relationship brings motivation, structure and accountability to your process of attainment.
How does coaching differ from therapy?
The support, structure and feedback that characterize a coaching relationship focus on assessments of where you are now, where you want to be, and how you are going to get there. Coaching does not involve the diagnosis and relieving of symptoms, or the overcoming of past-oriented problems – all of which may be aspects of therapy.
How is a coaching relationship structured?
After an initial session to clarify your goals and objectives, we will agree on the steps you will take to reach them, as well as the order in which you will take those steps and the pace that best fits your life circumstances. Some people can devote their full attention to the process and move very quickly, while others who are balancing a variety of commitments may have to take a more incremental approach. The beauty of coaching is that there is no “one size fits all.” It will always be about you, your life, and your possibilities. You will be the one to decide how much you want to accomplish and how fast you want to get there, while I will:
Guide the process.
Keep you focused on the big picture.
Ask questions to clarify situations and identify resources.
Assist you in recognizing your personal values and aligning your efforts with them.
Encourage you to make and keep commitments to yourself.
Provide feedback.
Join with you in brainstorming and problem-solving when you face obstacles.
The frequency of follow-up sessions will be part of the plan we agree upon at the first session, but usually weekly sessions will be most helpful to clients’ process in the early stages, followed by less-frequent progress checks along the way. A commitment to the process for a set term, such as three months, is also most helpful in a coaching relationship.
Coaching is effective via telephone connection as well as face-to-face.
What can I use a life coach to accomplish?
Coaching may focus on specific life areas, such as professional development and performance; health and fitness; spiritual growth and development; or creating a lifestyle that is balanced overall. It will always be holistic, in the sense that all aspects of your life are taken into account as we agree on attainable goals and realistic strategies for achieving them.
Why work with Lynn Sparrow Christy?
Lynn has been working with individuals and groups in the field of personal development since the ‘70s. She has developed numerous courses and traveled extensively to conduct workshops on topics as diverse as life purpose and health. She can bring a hypnotist’s skills into the coaching process, if desired by the client, to facilitate cooperation with all levels of mind and to teach her clients core competencies in managing stress – that all-too-common roadblock to success. Her background in neuro-linguistics (N.L.P.) gives her a wide assortment of change modalities to share with her coaching clients as they work with changing old, unproductive habits into new strategies for success. Her knowledge of the integral model of human growth – a sweeping vision for how our interior world, our physical and behavioral circumstances, the institutions we participate in, and the values we share with others co-evolve in a synergistic way -- is comprehensive, and she has used it to structure her own ongoing growth for more than a decade.
Appointments are available at my Virginia Beach office or (in many cases) via videoconference. Call me at 757-491-3900 or use the form below to request a free telephone consultation to discuss your goals and your options for working toward them. I will contact you just as soon as possible after receiving your request. Your phone number and anything we may discuss during your consultation will be held in strictest confidence and will never be used for any other purpose.
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~ Lynn ~

Lynn’s ability as a life coach is nothing short of amazing. She listens carefully then seems to know just the right questions needed to spur one into considering healthy solutions to their own individual issues.
J. G. H.
Healthcare IT Consultant - Buchanan, VA
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