What is reincarnation all about?
Can we remember our past lives?
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Reincarnation: Claiming Your Past, Creating Your Future
What is reincarnation all about? Can we remember our past lives? We hear a lot about karma, but what about grace?
Reincarnation: Claiming Your Past, Creating Your Future, from the Edgar Cayce's Wisdom for the New Age series, makes reincarnation understandable and practical. It offers a clear exposition of the universal laws at work from lifetime to lifetime; tips on how you are already remembering your past lives; guidelines for working with past-life regression; and a look at how karma is not the only law governing the soul’s journey.

Readers have said:
“Inspired me to read more.”
“If you've ever been curious about reincarnation on any level, this book will serve as an excellent introduction to this phenomenon… a clearly-written… moving, exciting book, many of your questions will be answered. I highly recommend it! It changed my outlook on life forever.”
And from a reincarnation skeptic: “Sparrow avoids extravagant New Age pronouncements, and her tone is straightforward, logical and full of common sense (if it is possible to speak of common sense in connection with reincarnation).”
Though currently out of print in English, Reincarnation: Claiming Your Past, Creating Your Future is returning soon as an e-book.
It is also obtainable in paperback from online used booksellers and remains in print in several of its numerous foreign language editions.